
SecurityGateway v6

Although the types of attacks that cybercriminals are capable of launching these days vary wildly, email is still the number one way they gain access to networks.

As an administrator, you're the place the buck stops, so one of the the highest priority items on your list of responsibilities should be finding an email security vendor you can rely on.

If you use Microsoft Exchange, MDaemon or another on-premise email server, SecurityGateway from Texas-based MDaemon technologies should absolutely be on your radar.

Out of the box it'll provide you with highly effective protection against viruses, spam, phishing and spyware, plus short term retention for users, and in this latest release we see enhancements in the very topical area of Data Leak Prevention (DLP) and the addition of basic message archival.

SecurityGateway v4.0The mail remains the access to point to your business for cyber-criminals. As an IT administrator, you are blessed with unenviable task that the vast majority of cyber criminals can get access to your Well, up until today, the answer would have been SecurityGateway, the email software firewall from Texas-based email security specialist, the software firewall that sits between your Exchange, MDaemon, Kerio or Smartermail server, and your router, protecting your organisation from spam, viruses, spoofing, phishing and more. In this post, we take a whistle-stop tour of the new features. As always, this is just our highlights, a comprehensive list of all new features and enhancements can be viewed in the SecurityGateway Release Notes.


Microsoft have invested tens of millions in their hosting centres, surely as an Office 365 user your data is safe right?

Think again.

An important point that's all too often overlooked by businesses moving to Office 365, is that the responsibility for your data does not lie with Microsoft.

They operate a shared responsibility policy, which means it's the uptime of the service they're concerned with.

There are no provisions for restoring your messages or mailboxes if they're somehow compromised, the backups they have are purely for disaster recovery.

In this post I'll look at this and other reasons you should be giving some thought to the 'what if?' question...

Let's Encrypt Free SSL Certificates

Cybercrime. Isn't it just the gift that the keeps on giving?

Picture the scene... You're about to catch a flight, the final boarding call is but minutes away and you remember an email you absolutely had to get sent before take off. Plucking your laptop from the post luggage check cable spaghetti, you perch in the lounge, successfully connect to the free wifi and hammer out your email masterpiece. As you don the noise cancelling headphones and breathe a sigh of relief, you're blissfully unaware that the chap in the lounge you'd assumed was buried in a spreadsheet, was actually running the data 'sniffing' software Wireshark. Not many minutes later, you're at 30,000 feet and he's walking away with everything he needs to send email as you, and to view the sensitive contents of your messages (take a look at this video to see just how easy it is!) and to cause havoc for your business. Not a nice hypothetical. So what can you do to prevent it happening for real?

TubbTalk - Embrace Marketing

IT support companies are generally pretty rubbish at marketing.

"That's a little harsh" I hear you say? Of course, there are exceptions. But I speak to lots of MSP business owners in my role here at Zen and I find it's often something I end up joking about with partners, and that they're quite open to admit. In a fascinating interview for TubbTalk, The Podcast for IT Consultants, MSP marketing expert Paul Green shares some unique insight on why he thinks this is the case, and what can be done about it.

BackupAssist S3 How To Guide

On-site or off-site backup.

Which is right for your business?

When you're thinking about the backup approach that best fits your small business, committing solely to one option is unlikely to be the silver bullet you might like.

However, your choices may not be quite as binary as you could be led to believe either.

What if there was a way to keep a local backup for really quick recovery of files, applications, and servers, that also combined the security and reliability of a cloud giant like Amazon?

Enter BackupAssist and the Cloud Backup Add-on!