As an archiving solution for individuals, MailStore Home is a hidden gem, and one we're guilty of not giving enough exposure here on the blog.  In a nutshell, MailStore Home solves two of the biggest problems you're likely to face as a home user with a personal email account(s):
  1. How to find specific emails quickly when they're buried among hundreds of messages from GroupOn 
  2. How not to lose your email should your hosting provider spontaneously combust

These days we all expect our email to work flawlessly when we're outside of the office, regardless of how we're connected. Occasionally though, a change of connection is all it takes to cause issues. In this post I take a quick look at why, if you connect to your own mail server using an SMTP connection (not applicable to ActiveSync users) from your mobile device, laptop or even desktop machine, you might experience problems with sending email. Oh, and what you can do about it of course!

Will MailStore alert me when a job fails? Of the many queries I see as a member of the MailStore support team here at Zen Software, this is one of the more common ones. Unfortunately, for the time being at least, this isn't something you can do from within the software but fear not - the reason for my post is that there is a workaround. EDIT: Email reporting was introduced in v10.1 - more information here.

Today sees the latest point release in the roadmap of German developer MailStore, and in addition to a long list of fixes there are a couple of interesting new developments which have caught our collective Zen Software eye. Version 9.2's 'juicy bits' that I'll talk a little more about in this post include:
  • Independence from the Windows scheduler
  • A great new synchronisation feature for users of Office 365
  • Better handling of large search results in the MailStore clients
  • Support for the new 64-bit version of MDaemon

With the EoL deadline for Windows Server 2003 fast approaching, decisions over operating system upgrades and in particular, whether or not to stick with Microsoft Exchange, are currently high up on the agenda for many small businesses. For alternatives to Exchange such as MDaemon Messaging Server (voted number one alternative by 'Spiceheads') now is the time to shine. With that in mind, we're running a flash sale for one month to give you a wee incentive to take a look at MDaemon for yourself and to download the free 30-day trial.

To the unfamiliar, the 'Reverse Lookup' might sound like something you'd see in one of Tom Daley's diving routines. However in email and DNS terms, it's an essential security check which can dramatically reduce the amount of spam you're seeing. It's also one of those many tricky DNS areas that causes confusion so I hope this post will help demystify it a little.

Keeping more email than is actually needed is a habit that most people fall in to at some stage. But make no mistake, it is a problem. And it's not one to be ignored.

The main issue with keeping large volumes of email is the affect it has on your mail server and therefore the knock-on effect it has on Outlook (assuming that's what you're using!). With all of the additional load for your hardware to cope with, at best it'll become sluggish and unresponsive - at worst, it'll just grind to a halt altogether.

With the recent Panda Antivirus signature problem still fresh in my mind, and as a fair few of our support calls continue to be antivirus related, I thought you might find it useful if I share some of the antivirus issues we see regularly tripping customers up. Of course every software vendor professes their product incorporates the latest and greatest protection technology. When you're working out what to use as a Systems Administrator however, it's also important to think beyond that and specifically about how your proposed solution will interact with other applications in your network environment. These are a handful of the areas we find usually end up resulting in a support call.

Rochdale, Lancashire. Birthplace of the Co-op,  star of cinema and music hall Gracie Fields and home to such celebrity A-listers as Bill Oddie and Noorul Choudhury of BBC's The Apprentice. Week six no less. An unlikely location for a "tech hub" you may think, and you'd be right...