MDaemon 15.5When vendors announce plans for all singing, all dancing, shiny new reseller incentives, there’s a good chance you’ll be thinking one or both of these things…
  • Why bother - one of the big companies will win
  • I bet this will be a headache to understand
You’d be right. They are common issues. However, we can assure you that neither apply to this one!

As part of an ongoing global pricing review, SecurityGateway developer Alt-N Technologies recently announced a reduction of up to 40% across nearly all licence sizes. This means highly effective email security, including message retention, and colour coded traffic logs, can now be purchased for as little as £143.00 + VAT for 10 users. SecurityGateway reseller? Don't forget to claim your free not-for-resale licence.

Set up an out of office responder in MDaemon

Before you hang up your mouse for the Christmas break, it's a good idea to make sure that if anyone contacts you via email, they know whether you're available and if not, when you'll be back. If you use MDaemon Messaging Server, rather than all staff replicating the same out of office autoresponder, you can use a simple temporary account and content filter rule to create a global version for all staff.

Cloud Hosted MDaemonIt's with great pleasure that I'm able to announce the launch of an exciting new service from Zen Software - Cloud Hosted MDaemon Mail Server. This new addition to our portfolio provides the perfect way for companies who recognise the benefits of having their own dedicated mail server, to also take full advantage of the benefits the cloud and hosted services bring.

BackupAssist v9.0Weak passwords are the most common method by which email accounts and servers can become compromised by spammers.  The great news is that Exchange alternative MDaemon Messaging Server, now offers an easy way to identify when somebody's using one that isn't secure via a simple but effective new reporting feature. Whether you then decide to name and shame, or just to give them a friendly nudge is entirely up to your discretion! :).

MDaemon 15.5We've just put the latest major iteration of MDaemon Messaging Server live on our web site. Along with a long list of minor tweaks it includes some great new features for both admins and users alike. In this post I briefly highlight the new additions I think you'll find most interesting, including a real breakthrough for Mac users and further enhancements to the email encryption features. As always, this is just our highlights, a comprehensive list of all new features and enhancements can be viewed in the MDaemon Release Notes.

If you currently use an on-premise mail server such as Exchange or MDaemon Messaging Server, SecurityGateway is a fantastic way to protect your business against the many email-based threats in circulation. This summer, developer Alt-N technologies have announced they'll be offering 30% off the cost of all NEW licences, which means SecurityGateway is currently £70.00 + VAT for 5 users!

These days we all expect our email to work flawlessly when we're outside of the office, regardless of how we're connected. Occasionally though, a change of connection is all it takes to cause issues. In this post I take a quick look at why, if you connect to your own mail server using an SMTP connection (not applicable to ActiveSync users) from your mobile device, laptop or even desktop machine, you might experience problems with sending email. Oh, and what you can do about it of course!