If you're a user of the MDaemon email server, and own either an iPhone, Android device or Windows mobile, it's quite likely at some point you'll want to synchronise your calendar, contacts and tasks etc. While the set-up steps for configuring MDaemon and the devices themselves are very straightforward, because MDaemon needs to be visible to the outside world, there are some networking considerations to be aware of.

With the recent release of MDaemon 13.5 Alt-N have upgraded the built in ActiveSync server which now includes support for the latest ActiveSync protocol used by Outlook 2013. This update adds additional ActiveSync policy support but also it allows MDaemon to provide native ActiveSync support for Outlook 2013 as well as the built in Windows 8 Mail App.

Yes, the latest iteration of MDaemon Messaging Server is upon us! This most recent version of the popular Microsoft Exchange alternative for small businesses is only a point release - you could easily mistake it for a major update given the size of the release notes. With a long list of features to highlight for both admins and end users I'll waste no further time and get straight on with what I think you might find most interesting...

One of the benefits we offer to registered resellers of our email archiving software, MailStore, is a free online product certification course followed by an official accreditation for those that complete it successfully. The idea of the course is to improve confidence in selling and supporting the software, and benefits include an increased level of discount for a period and official logo for use on the site. Medhurst IT are one such company who decided to put a number of their staff forward and our colleagues over at German developer MailStore took a few moments to ask them about their experiences.