You may have picked up from our subtle marketing that something new is on the horizon with the next release of BackupAssist, Version 7. Now the public Beta is here I'm excited to be able to finally tell you all about the new features, which include a completely reworked interface design. First off, let me introduce the completely new simplified interface and layout...

We've had a few customers asking about whether our backup software BackupAssist can be used to restore old backups originally created using NTBackup, to a new 2008 server. This isn't such a crazy idea when you consider that at the point that you upgrade to Server 2008 you may well have a large history of old backups from your old 2003 server and still need files from within them on your new server.

One of the most notable changes visually in Windows 8 is the range of new apps that now appear on the "Start" page. In a similar vein to mobile devices, there are email and calendar apps which now integrate tightly, offering handy features such as notifications. It's easy to see why some users will end up switching to this as their preferred method of access, so in this post I'll show you how to configure MDaemon to synchronise with these two key apps.

SearchServerVirtualisation screenshotBackupAssist's Hyper-V product has been featured in a recent review on the virtualisation pages of the TechTarget group Web site. Acknowledged as one of the smaller players in the Hyper-V backup market, BackupAssist with it's Hyper-V Granular Restore Console received praise as a product that - "offers great value for small and medium-sized businesses"  ...and is "a good place to start if you're an SMB".

RDX DriveOne trend I've noticed since we've been supplying  BackupAssist is the popularity of RDX and REV drives for image backups, particularly in small and medium-sized businesses. I put this down mainly to how cost-effective they can be in comparison to similar capacity tape devices, and also that they still provide that same familiar multiple cartridge approach that tape device users are used to.

James presenting at the Kent SBS user groupNeil and I recently returned from sunny Chatham where we were kindly invited to come along and talk to attendees of the Kent SBS user group about MDaemon Messaging Server. This is one of a number of regional groups across the UK which include Manchester, Reading Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Each consists of like-minded IT support companies and managed service providers wanting to keep their "toe-in" with market and product developments, discuss some of the challenges they face in the field, and perhaps most importantly, help keep the local Dominos in business.

MDaemon promotion extended Are you an MDaemon user with an old expired licence? Would you benefit from better performance, two way synchronisation of any mobile device, a fast "desktop-like" Webmail client and more? Upgrade to MDaemon Pro version 13.0 this month and we'll provide you with all of this, upgrade protection for another 12 months and free technical support, for 50% less than it would ordinarily cost! If you're an existing business user you'd be crazy to miss out on this great saving and it's really simple to take advantage of...