Standalone? Bundled? Tiered?

Knowing which approach to take to packaging and pricing services is always one of those ongoing topics for Managed Service Providers.

That’s no different in the case of Human Risk Management platform usecure, so in this post, we share what other MSPs do and how they approach this little conundrum!

usecure and Zen Software - 3 methods of pricing overview

Great news on the way if you own a MailStore Server licence you've let expire...

Starting today, and through to Midnight on the 15th December, we're offering a 50% discount on the renewal of any expired MailStore Server licence key!

Perhaps a licence has expired as a result of difficult times financially?

Maybe it's simply been forgotten about during a rush to make the move to a work-from-home setup?

This is an opportunity not to be missed to get a major saving on bringing an existing licence back up to date and continuing to benefit from the security, productivity and efficiency gains MailStore has to offer.

Throughout their 25 year history, MDaemon Technologies has been a leader in the field of email security.

With the latest new version 21.5 of their Exchange alternative, MDaemon Mail Server, they deploy more new features and technologies to further strengthen their comprehensive security toolkit.

MDaemon 21.5 offers better protection for end-users against hackers with the addition of support for application passwords.

For Administrators, there are several new security-focused features including the ability to block potentially dangerous email attachments, the addition of a password strength meter, and a new report highlighting blocked connections.

The world of online data storage, and specifically email archiving, has changed immensely in the last few years.

When Exchange Online was announced on June 3rd, 2015, it promised a “truly bottomless archive”. So long as the necessary licenses were in place, Office 365 E3, Exchange Online, or Exchange Online Plan 2, mailboxes would never run out of storage.

At least, that was the initial pitch.

Unfortunately, the phrase “truly bottomless archive” hasn’t totally held up.

On November 1st, 2021, Microsoft has announced they'll begin enforcing a cap on their unlimited archiving to 1.5 TB.

In a perfect world, all of your MSP customers would have bottomless pockets. You'd merrily go about ensuring they're using the latest and greatest tech, and they'd never query an invoice. Unfortunately, that's not the norm and it's likely you're managing backups for at least one customer with hardware that's past its best before date. In some cases it can be more cost-effective to continue using older operating systems - but this doesn’t mean it's without any cost at all.

It's a special day for our friends over at German vendor MailStore Software!

To celebrate an incredible 15 years in business, they've come up with an exclusive offer through the month of November for anyone purchasing a new MailStore Server license.

From 15th October to 15th November 2021, all new MailStore Server license purchases will receive an additional 3 months of free upgrade cover and support in addition to the selected term.

If you're going for a 1-year option that's 15 months for the price of 12 (or an extra 25%)!

German email archiving vendor MailStore has just announced version 13.2 of their popular archiving solution for M365, Exchange and other mail platforms. The two highlights of this release are a major increase in performance and a significant step in scalability.

Version 13.2 of MailStore Server and MailStore Service Provider Edition (SPE) see an increase in the advised upper limit for user numbers on a given installation, enabling you as the IT service provider to widen the audience you can talk to about archiving to include larger customers now as well as SMB's.

In a move that is sure to disappoint some, Microsoft announced at its Ignite 2020 event that Exchange 2022 will only be available for purchase through a subscription. Exchange alternative without a subscription model While Microsoft has been following the market trend of most software manufacturers and switching to a subscriptions model, until now Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint and Project Server had all avoided the fate of Office 365.

Have you spent months, or even years deciding on the perfect security stack for your clients? Has your team been painstakingly implementing best security practices across your estate to keep your customers safe and secure? One more question… Could all of your good work potentially be undone in seconds by an employee clicking a rogue link and welcoming a cyber-attack with open arms?

It really does feel like a very long time indeed since we've been able to entertain the idea of getting together at an IT event (or even wanted to!). We're in the privileged position where this now looks like it will be possible, and I can't think of any better event to mark our own return to meeting with real-life 3D people again, than the annual CompTIA conference held this year in Liverpool St, London.