ba-v10-beta There's an exciting new release of BackupAssist in the pipeline so it's that time again when we reach out and ask for your help in giving it an early road test before it's unleashed on the public. BackupAssist version 10 is now in Beta, so if you'd like to grab a copy from the official Beta page, you'll get an early peek at some great new file and application cloud backup features, as well as the chance to provide your input.

ba-wordpress-700x353 I'm pretty sold on the fact that for a small business in particular, a backup product needs to be simple to get going with, low maintenance, and on the rare occasion you need support, that there's somebody on the end of the phone to help you quickly. Yes, you guessed it - I, from my completely unbiased position, think BackupAssist is a better product for a small company than BackupExec so I'm offering you another good reason to think about moving across. Starting today, if you make the switch to BackupAssist from Symantec BackupExec 2010 or later, for a limited time, when you buy the core BackupAssist application with 2 year's upgrade protection, we'll give you the second year completely free! . Upgrade Protection entitles you to all new versions, lets you link your software to the Multisite Manager if you wish, and of course provides our top-notch phone, email and remote support, completely free! Ready to take a closer look at BackupAssist? Download the free trial

Storage WarsIf you're considering a backup strategy for your business, it won't be long before you need to start thinking about storage media, and which of the various types is best suited to your needs. In this post, I attempt to help by doing my best, to sum up the strengths and weaknesses of each as I see them, from my experience of working with customers using BackupAssist for Windows (which we're distributors of). I hope this will be of some use to you regardless of the software you're using, however, this is written with BackupAssist users in mind. First up....USB drives.

BackupAssist Email RemindersIt's inevitable. At some point, if you've got BackupAssist managing a pool of multiple drives or cartridges, the person responsible will forget to change them. One of the nice things about BackupAssist is that it'll automatically email the individual and tell them they're single-handedly responsible for putting the entire company at risk and that they're basically a bad person. Well...words to that effect. This is how you set up a reminder...

BackupAssist is most popular in the SMB market and as a result, is often used to back up servers running Microsoft Exchange. However there is more than one way to backup Exchange server using BackupAssist, and most importantly multiple options when it comes to restoring data back to exchange. In this blog post, I want to explain the main differences available with and without using the Additional Exchange Granular Restore console add-on and hopefully explaining how invaluable a tool it is for exchange administrators.

BackupAssist v9.3.0Developer Cortex I.T. have just announced the latest point release of BackupAssist, and it's a version we're highly recommending you upgrade to. In addition to the usual minor tweaks and improvements, there are two particularly good reasons we recommend you upgrade...
  • FIX: An important fix for Exchange backups - this release fixes a recently discovered issue concerning Exchange backups.
  • NEW: Great new restore search feature - a brand new feature to make even lighter work of locating your backed up files and folders.

MDaemon 15.5When vendors announce plans for all singing, all dancing, shiny new reseller incentives, there’s a good chance you’ll be thinking one or both of these things…
  • Why bother - one of the big companies will win
  • I bet this will be a headache to understand
You’d be right. They are common issues. However, we can assure you that neither apply to this one!

system-protectionI'm frequently asked by customers to explain exactly what's happening when BackupAssist performs a 'System Protection' job, so I figured a blog post on it was well overdue! Now bear with me as it may seem a little heavy going if you're new to the subject, but this stuff really is genuinely useful to get your head around, regardless of the backup software you use.