If you're anything like me, you probably don't have enough time in the day to be checking all of the industry blogs you really should if you want to keep properly up to speed. Ours is a great way to locate news on releases, technical tips and marketing support among other things, but like all the others, it does require checking frequently in order that you don't miss anything.

Reseller Marketing Campaign Builder ScreenshotIf you're a Zen Software partner and want to be doing more to generate new business, but struggle to find the time to arrange marketing activity - help is at hand. I've just made some marketing campaign builder pages live which are specifically designed to help all but eliminate the legwork on your part required to create professional, custom branded marketing campaigns to attract new and existing customers. We're even offering to help with the printing and fulfilment!

Behold, the unbridled beauty that is the Zen Software Space Invaders pumpkin. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VIIvpmSYR8&w=420&h=315] What can be achieved with five IT professionals, a pumpkin, knife, LED bike light and the Managing Director...

We're very pleased to announce that national daily newspaper The Guardian, now trusts in MailStore Server for efficiently and securely managing its emails. The newspaper is published by Guardian News...

Being based in Manchester means we sometimes don't get as much face time as we might like with our resellers in the South, but we recently had the pleasure of stopping in and paying long-overdue visits to a couple of our valued Premium Partners. Business Computer Solutions (BCS) BCS logoIn addition to attending the SBS user group, the Kent visit was a great opportunity to spend some time catching up with group organisers and valued Premium Partner members, Business Computer Solutions (BCS).

Zen Software at Infosec We're but a few weeks away from the annual industry pilgrimage to Earls Court for the biggest of the IT and security shows in this country, InfoSecurity Europe. Each year IT professionals (and the not-so) gather at InfoSec to take in keynote talks from industry experts, strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers, keep an eye on the competition and of course, pick up plenty of promotional tat for the kids. This year will be slightly different however, as visitors will notice that the show's noticeably better than previous ones thanks to the addition of the Zen Software stand in the new exhibitor area. It's possible I'm overestimating the impact we'll have but in any case, we're genuinely pleased to be a part of the show and that we'll be down there unashamedly flogging our wares in our compact but charming booth (K94).