BackupAssist v9.3.0Developer Cortex I.T. have just announced the latest point release of BackupAssist, and it's a version we're highly recommending you upgrade to. In addition to the usual minor tweaks and improvements, there are two particularly good reasons we recommend you upgrade...
  • FIX: An important fix for Exchange backups - this release fixes a recently discovered issue concerning Exchange backups.
  • NEW: Great new restore search feature - a brand new feature to make even lighter work of locating your backed up files and folders.

MDaemon 15.5Despite the rise in popularity of cloud services, many businesses still prefer the control, privacy and dedicated nature of their own email server. MDaemon has been at the top of the list of alternatives to Microsoft Exchange for some time, and with this latest release, Texas-based developer Alt-N strengthens their place with a range of new features to help small business owners and admins alike. In this post I briefly highlight the new additions I think you'll find most interesting, including a fantastic new addition to the spam protection armoury and some terrific news if you're an iPhone or Apple OS X device user. As always, this is just our highlights, a comprehensive list of all new features and enhancements can be viewed in the MDaemon Release Notes.

MDaemon 15.5When vendors announce plans for all singing, all dancing, shiny new reseller incentives, there’s a good chance you’ll be thinking one or both of these things…
  • Why bother - one of the big companies will win
  • I bet this will be a headache to understand
You’d be right. They are common issues. However, we can assure you that neither apply to this one!

As part of an ongoing global pricing review, SecurityGateway developer Alt-N Technologies recently announced a reduction of up to 40% across nearly all licence sizes. This means highly effective email security, including message retention, and colour coded traffic logs, can now be purchased for as little as £143.00 + VAT for 10 users. SecurityGateway reseller? Don't forget to claim your free not-for-resale licence.

Cloud Hosted MDaemonIt's with great pleasure that I'm able to announce the launch of an exciting new service from Zen Software - Cloud Hosted MDaemon Mail Server. This new addition to our portfolio provides the perfect way for companies who recognise the benefits of having their own dedicated mail server, to also take full advantage of the benefits the cloud and hosted services bring.

BackupAssist v9.0Exciting stuff this morning - the latest major version of the ever-popular BackupAssist has been made live on our site and there's lots in it to talk about. A couple of notes before I go in to the highlights...
  • If your current licence is expired, you have until precisely Midnight tonight to take advantage of our renewals promotion!
  • Thanks so much to all who participated in the beta test phase - we had a great response and it's been a huge help in ensuring this release is the best it possibly can be.

The IT Marketing AgencyHi there, I’m delighted and flattered that Zen Software have asked me to write a guest blog, and we thought that some simple steps to get started on marketing your MSP business would be a topic that worked for both of us, and hopefully you, too! Firstly…if you’re not doing ‘much’ (or even ‘any’!) marketing, you’re not alone! In my previous roles of Head of Marketing for Ingram Micro and Network Group as well as in the work I do now, I meet a lot of MSPs. Almost without exception they tell me sheepishly “I know I should be doing more (for which I read ‘some’) marketing”. Or “Here’s my card, but don’t look at the website, it’s being redesigned.” Or if they’re being honest: “I just don’t know where to start!”. So, here’s where to start. And by the end of this blog post, you’ll have no excuse not to – so be prepared! ☺

MailStore Promotion In a recent blog post I talked about how MailStore can help manage and speed up the unenviable task of migrating all of your historic Exchange 2003 email to MDaemon Messaging Server. The point at which you're moving email platform is ideal to be introducing an archiving solution like MailStore. Primarily because it will aid with the migration process itself, but also because it will manage your mailbox sizes on an ongoing basis too. With this in mind, we're offering a very healthy 50% off new MailStore licences to Exchange 2003 owners who are purchasing a new MDaemon licence of any size.