We have recently seen an increase in customers wanting to bring a large selection of PST files into their MailStore archive.  It's quite common for people to create local PST file archives of their own email and historically this was a common way to reduce the data within the mailbox on their mail server. The problem we see is that over time many users build up multiple local PST files and as these are scattered around on various client machines it gets very difficult and costly to keep them all backed up.  If you also consider in this scenario there is also no way for users to search each others archive it makes it very difficult to meet compliance requirements.

In the last couple of weeks I've come across a few customers with MailStore installations where they've experienced corruption of their archived data due to either a damaged disk, RAID failure or power outage for example. All of these situations are of course completely outside of MailStore's control but they're ones where the only practical recovery method is to rebuild from a previous backed up version of the MailStore data.

Just a quick entry to share with you that MailStore have recently announced child aid agency UNICEF have begun using their popular email archiving software at their Switerland offices. http://www.unicef.org.uk/...

Using the MailStore search feature makes it very easy to find messages. Once you've located the message you're after, MailStore gives you a few options such as view, reply, forward or restore, which make it easy to manage single messages however you wish. In this post I'm going to take a look at how you can use MailStore to take this a step further and quickly restore whole folders, complete with the messages they contain to various destinations.

Finding the email you're after in MailStore using the Outlook search plug-in is beautifully straight forward. In the vast majority of cases simply entering the word you think is likely to appear in the to/from address, subject, message body or even in attachments is enough, however every so often it can be useful to have the ability to whittle down your search results further or be more specific.

Over the past 12 months we've been actively involved in passing feature requests back to MailStore on behalf of our customers, and its great to see how many of these...

dir_services.jpgOne of the things I like about MailStore is the simplicity with which local users can be managed, so I wanted to take a moment to provide you with an overview of the various options available to you in this area. Before I start, I should point out, that for each member of staff having their email archived, an account must be created in MailStore and a user licence allocated. One option is to create accounts manually within MailStore, entering the relevant information for each, which will typically include passwords, email addresses and access rights. This works perfectly well for smaller installations, but when dealing with more than a handful of user accounts it does start to make more sense to consider synchronising your MailStore user list with an external user directory service.