SecurityGateway v4.0Whether it's mildly irritating offers for cut-price blue pills, or something altogether more sinister such as holding your company files ransom, today's cyber-criminals are using increasingly sophisticated and varied techniques to target your business by email. Today saw the latest major release of SecurityGateway, a software firewall that sits between your Exchange, MDaemon, Kerio or Smartermail server, and your router, protecting your organisation from spam, viruses, spoofing, phishing and more. In this post, we take a whistle-stop tour of the new features. As always, this is just our highlights, a comprehensive list of all new features and enhancements can be viewed in the SecurityGateway Release Notes.

MDaemon 15.5When vendors announce plans for all singing, all dancing, shiny new reseller incentives, there’s a good chance you’ll be thinking one or both of these things…
  • Why bother - one of the big companies will win
  • I bet this will be a headache to understand
You’d be right. They are common issues. However, we can assure you that neither apply to this one!

As part of an ongoing global pricing review, SecurityGateway developer Alt-N Technologies recently announced a reduction of up to 40% across nearly all licence sizes. This means highly effective email security, including message retention, and colour coded traffic logs, can now be purchased for as little as £143.00 + VAT for 10 users. SecurityGateway reseller? Don't forget to claim your free not-for-resale licence.

While it'll probably never be 100% effective, the level of email security we have available to us today is less expensive and more effective than it's ever been. This may go some way to accounting for the recent rise, and added sophistication in phishing attacks as criminals choose to target the new weakest link, now located between the chair and keyboard.

The IT Marketing AgencyHi there, I’m delighted and flattered that Zen Software have asked me to write a guest blog, and we thought that some simple steps to get started on marketing your MSP business would be a topic that worked for both of us, and hopefully you, too! Firstly…if you’re not doing ‘much’ (or even ‘any’!) marketing, you’re not alone! In my previous roles of Head of Marketing for Ingram Micro and Network Group as well as in the work I do now, I meet a lot of MSPs. Almost without exception they tell me sheepishly “I know I should be doing more (for which I read ‘some’) marketing”. Or “Here’s my card, but don’t look at the website, it’s being redesigned.” Or if they’re being honest: “I just don’t know where to start!”. So, here’s where to start. And by the end of this blog post, you’ll have no excuse not to – so be prepared! ☺

Windows 10Unless you've been living on a remote island for the last couple of weeks, and also covering up your Windows task bar every time you use your computer, you probably know that Windows 10 is now available to the masses. Yes, Microsoft's new flagship desktop O/S is upon us in all of it's glory. It'll take some time to see whether the hype was justified, and of course to discover the new features (and quirks), but if you've already upgraded or are thinking about doing so, you'll no doubt be keen to know how it interacts with our products. In this update I'll detail what level of support (if any) is currently offered for each of the products we distribute.

If you currently use an on-premise mail server such as Exchange or MDaemon Messaging Server, SecurityGateway is a fantastic way to protect your business against the many email-based threats in circulation. This summer, developer Alt-N technologies have announced they'll be offering 30% off the cost of all NEW licences, which means SecurityGateway is currently £70.00 + VAT for 5 users!

It's not often we promote events that aren't actually our own on the blog, however this particular one is national , it's free and it's aimed specifically at IT support companies and MSP's like you who want to make your business more profitable. It's also the brainchild of the highly acclaimed IT Marketing Agency and industry expert Richard Tubb, both of whom stole the show at our recent partner event so we have no doubt it'll be of the usual high calibre and well worth your valuable time. Visiting Edinburgh, Newcastle, Manchester and London, the specific aims of the roadshow are to help you: 
  • Use vendor partnerships to better meet the needs of your customers
  • Develop and execute a go-to-market strategy to help your business develop fast
  • Increase business with sales and revenue strategies for high growth

To the unfamiliar, the 'Reverse Lookup' might sound like something you'd see in one of Tom Daley's diving routines. However in email and DNS terms, it's an essential security check which can dramatically reduce the amount of spam you're seeing. It's also one of those many tricky DNS areas that causes confusion so I hope this post will help demystify it a little.

With the recent Panda Antivirus signature problem still fresh in my mind, and as a fair few of our support calls continue to be antivirus related, I thought you might find it useful if I share some of the antivirus issues we see regularly tripping customers up. Of course every software vendor professes their product incorporates the latest and greatest protection technology. When you're working out what to use as a Systems Administrator however, it's also important to think beyond that and specifically about how your proposed solution will interact with other applications in your network environment. These are a handful of the areas we find usually end up resulting in a support call.