Hyper-V Youtube screengrabA little over a month ago, I announced our friends 'down under' at BackupAssist developer Cortex IT were hosting a webinar for a limited number of channel partners from around the globe - presented by Jason Schultz, one of the lead programmers. There were a few of you who were busy with the day jobs and weren't able to attend so the guys at Cortex have kindly uploaded the recorded version to YouTube, ready for viewing over a cuppa. Perhaps a few cuppas actually - it's a long one at a just under an hour but it really is worth sitting through if you've got any interest in using BackupAssist in a Hyper-V environment.

MDaemon, Exchange or Office365?Towards the end of my last post I touched on the fact that Microsoft's recent announcement to drop Small Business Server next year has given particularly its partner community, reasons to look around at potential alternative solutions to Exchange. In this post I take a moment to highlight some of the reasons MDaemon Messaging Server should be on that list of alternatives you might be considering, including how the costs look alongside the equivalent Microsoft products.

Hyper-V webinarOur Aussie friends over at BackupAssist developer Cortex IT, have opened up a great opportunity for our partners to attend the first in what we hope will be a series of online Webinar/ Q&A sessions. They're presented directly by the BackupAssist development team and are a unique chance to hear about BackupAssist's Hyper-V backup capabilities while also providing feedback should you wish.

Just a quick entry to share with you that MailStore have recently announced child aid agency UNICEF have begun using their popular email archiving software at their Switerland offices. http://www.unicef.org.uk/...

Zen Software at Infosec We're but a few weeks away from the annual industry pilgrimage to Earls Court for the biggest of the IT and security shows in this country, InfoSecurity Europe. Each year IT professionals (and the not-so) gather at InfoSec to take in keynote talks from industry experts, strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers, keep an eye on the competition and of course, pick up plenty of promotional tat for the kids. This year will be slightly different however, as visitors will notice that the show's noticeably better than previous ones thanks to the addition of the Zen Software stand in the new exhibitor area. It's possible I'm overestimating the impact we'll have but in any case, we're genuinely pleased to be a part of the show and that we'll be down there unashamedly flogging our wares in our compact but charming booth (K94).

BackupAssist 6.4 headerFurther to my recent post about the Beta, I'm pleased to announce that we've put the finished version live on our site - so now seems as good a time as any to let you know what's in it... Key to the appeal of version 6.4 are two main features - the all new RecoverAssist console and the dedicated support for iSCSI destinations. Together they open up some really interesting possibilities. We've been putting version 6.4 through its paces as you may have picked up from some of Neil's recent blog posts, and as a result we're all really pleased seeing the direction developer Cortex are headed.

When I'm running MailStore webinars, I'm frequently asked about file groups and how they work. I've written this article to give you a good idea of how you can manage your existing file groups, how they can be moved around and what to do with those containing older email.

So what exactly is a file group?
