BackupAssist beta testingOur Australian friends over at BackupAssist have been working hard to make sure v9 is the best release yet. They could however, really do with your help in testing the Beta version (released this morning) to make sure it's as good as it possible can be come the final release. As the distributor we like to provide as much feedback as we can, but we also rely on the fantastic response we always receive from customers and partners to help make sure we've got the broadest testing base. Please note -  As a beta product, we do not recommend using this version of BackupAssist v9 on live or production machines.

We're aware that many of you are patiently awaiting the release of BackupAssist v7.0, so you'll be pleased to know we have a date! Yes, we expect the latest iteration... of the most noticeable changes in version 7 of BackupAssist is how it looks and feels, so I thought I'd use this first of two preview posts to take an early look at the new interface in a little more detail. Earlier iterations of BackupAssist have often been praised for their simple interface layout and ease of use, so when I first heard that the developers were looking to improve on this for version 7, I'll admit to being a little apprehensive!

You may have picked up from our subtle marketing that something new is on the horizon with the next release of BackupAssist, Version 7. Now the public Beta is here I'm excited to be able to finally tell you all about the new features, which include a completely reworked interface design. First off, let me introduce the completely new simplified interface and layout...

Alt-N idea enginesThose of you already familiar with MDaemon and Texas-based developer Alt-N Technologies, will know that feedback from customers has always played a pivotal role in the way their products evolve. The MDaemon beta community has been fundamental to this process but as we look towards the future and the imminent release of version 13, they're opening this up and making it simple for anyone to contribute ideas and suggestions via their Idea Engine.

In this next MDaemon 13 Beta post I want to look at one completely new feature and another that's more of an enhancement to an existing feature. Lets start with the new feature...

Document sharing

If you're a WorldClient user who often sends out the same set of files, product brochures and price lists for example - keeping a local copy on every PC you use can be a chore.

The newest version of MDaemon will be available for download on Wednesday, September 5th. The new release sees a number of new features to help IT administrators and end users alike, such as:
  • Message ticketing support
  • Consolidated Mobile Device Management (MDM) interface and ActiveSync policies
  • Hijacked account detection
  • Document sharing, drag & drop attachments and custom logos in WorldClient
  • Traffic compression to improve Outlook Connector performance
View the PDF briefing document here for more information. As soon as it's available you'll be able to download the latest version of the installer from our web site here.

Over the past 12 months we've been actively involved in passing feature requests back to MailStore on behalf of our customers, and its great to see how many of these...