smartphones.pngAs MDaemon has evolved over the years there have been many different ways to setup syncronisation with mobile devices and with the the recent introduction of ActiveSync push email there is a new kid on the block but does this now make ActiveSync the best all in one method for email, calendar and contact syncronisation for all customers who can use it?
Read on to see our recommendations for each mobile platform and what advantages and disadvantages different methods have.

I'm slightly concerned that the news of a virtual information blackout yesterday may have detracted somewhat from the REALLY big stories that were breaking. Yes, had you have been paying proper attention you'd have noticed two new product updates from our Texan friends over at developer Alt-N Technologies. Ok, so it's possible I'm overhyping these a fraction but if you're a user of either product they're worth knowing about all the same.

Today I want to highlight two very different automatic features of WorldClient, autoresponders and autocomplete. Totally unrelated but both useful features that help Outlook users feel at home. Autorespondersauto-responder.jpg WorldClient makes it very easy to setup and schedule an 'Out of office' Autoresponder, often used over holiday periods but also useful when you know you're going to be out of the office.

worldclient.gif A new year and a new challenge for MDaemon customers. Over the last 12 months we have seen significant improvements to WorldClient that have increased both performance as well as functionality and consequently have seen a greater uptake of users switching to it for their main access method. What we are now interested to know is what is stopping the rest of us from switching to WorldClient full time and moving away from Outlook as our main email client.