In an environment where we tend to communicate almost exclusively via phone and email,  it's sometimes easy to forget the value of getting together in person occasionally with the members of our partner program we're working with on a regular basis.

Being based in Manchester means we sometimes don't get as much face time as we might like with our resellers in the South, but we recently had the pleasure of stopping in and paying long-overdue visits to a couple of our valued Premium Partners. Business Computer Solutions (BCS) BCS logoIn addition to attending the SBS user group, the Kent visit was a great opportunity to spend some time catching up with group organisers and valued Premium Partner members, Business Computer Solutions (BCS).

James presenting at the Kent SBS user groupNeil and I recently returned from sunny Chatham where we were kindly invited to come along and talk to attendees of the Kent SBS user group about MDaemon Messaging Server. This is one of a number of regional groups across the UK which include Manchester, Reading Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Each consists of like-minded IT support companies and managed service providers wanting to keep their "toe-in" with market and product developments, discuss some of the challenges they face in the field, and perhaps most importantly, help keep the local Dominos in business.