MailStore batch file for adding userDepending upon on the design of your network, it may not always be possible to let MailStore Server automatically synchronise its list of user accounts with your Active Directory. If that's the case, you way well find the alternative is to add users manually.

You may recall a little over a month ago us announcing the brand new major release of BackupAssist version 7.1.That included an impressive range of new features such as a beta of the new Exchange Granular Restore (EGR) add-on, support for Exchange 2013, enhanced support for Server 2012 and history for imaging backups on NAS and RDX drives. Well, following up the great work on 7.1, Australian developer Cortex have completed the EGR add-on beta phase and have released the feature in full in this latest iteration of our favourite backup software for small businesses.

The brand new major release of BackupAssist, version 7.1 is now available to download, and brings many of the features you’ve been asking us for such as support for Exchange 2013, enhanced support for Server 2012 and history for imaging backups on NAS and RDX drives. This is now the most stable release of BackupAssist v7 and we recommend that you download and install it straight away. If you already own a BackupAssist v7 license then you can download and update for free.

Hyper-V webinarOur Aussie friends over at BackupAssist developer Cortex IT, have opened up a great opportunity for our partners to attend the first in what we hope will be a series of online Webinar/ Q&A sessions. They're presented directly by the BackupAssist development team and are a unique chance to hear about BackupAssist's Hyper-V backup capabilities while also providing feedback should you wish.