MailStore Server review by ITSMDaily – “the archiving solution that rocks”

Given its long history, it's not surprising to discover that most of what's new in MDaemon 10 is behind the scenes. That said, the management interface does get a more...
MDaemon takes top marks in a group-test of Exchange alternatives in German Magazine 'Network Computing', in particular MDaemon was singled out as having an exemplary administration interface and outstanding...
The Windows Mail server from Alt-N Technologies is often praised as an economical variation of Exchange or Lotus Domino. But that comparison doesn't quite work because, for one thing, MDaemon...
Alan Stevens reviews MDaemon 9.0 for PCW and comments on its comprehensive groupware abilities along with enhanced security tools and new SyncML support for mobile devices. Download: Adobe PDF file, size:...
Already a leading alternative to Microsoft Exchange, Alt-N MDaemon has bumped up another version number in its aim to maintain leading-edge mail server functionality. In its latest incarnation, MDaemon primarily...
The review covers the recently-released MDaemon 8, with its emphasis on expanded groupware functions and security technologies. Concerning MDaemon's built-in groupware functions, ServerWatch says the 'WorldClient browser interface is slick...
Alan Stevens reviews MDaemon 8 for ZDNet just prior to the release of Outlook Connector...
When reviewing serious alternatives to installing an Exchange server, PCW's reviewers gave MDaemon the Editor's Choice award based on it's comprehensive set of features, easy to use GroupWare add-in and...