We're pleased to announce that version 25.0 of MDaemon has been released. If your existing licence had upgrade cover to or beyond March 4th then you can install v25.0 using...

We're pleased to announce that v23.2 of MailStore Server, MailStore Service Provider Edition (SPE) and MailStore Gateway has just been released and is available to download from our website. There are...

It really does feel like a very long time indeed since we've been able to entertain the idea of getting together at an IT event (or even wanted to!). We're in the privileged position where this now looks like it will be possible, and I can't think of any better event to mark our own return to meeting with real-life 3D people again, than the annual CompTIA conference held this year in Liverpool St, London.

As a managed service provider (MSP) or managed security service provider (MSSP), keeping the companies you're working with safe from cyber threats is your absolute bread and butter. It's at the core of what you do. It’s your responsibility to keep up to speed with the latest threats, to wade through the sea of stats, opinions, materials and demos for new tech that the vendors (and distributors like us!) send your way, and to make the important decisions on behalf of your clients. You've no doubt been doing this for years, but recently there's been a concerning plot twist.