MDaemon 15.5We've just put the latest major iteration of MDaemon Messaging Server live on our web site. Along with a long list of minor tweaks it includes some great new features for both admins and users alike. In this post I briefly highlight the new additions I think you'll find most interesting, including a real breakthrough for Mac users and further enhancements to the email encryption features. As always, this is just our highlights, a comprehensive list of all new features and enhancements can be viewed in the MDaemon Release Notes.

The sheer amount of email that flows across the internet every day is staggering, but what's all too easy to overlook is just how insecure this form of communication actually is. Often email delivery is compared to traditional paper post in that there is an envelope containing a letter, there are senders and there are recipients. In reality, the comparison is much more similar to a postcard.