What resides in the dashboard in SecurityGateway?

Once you have logged in to SecurityGateway, you are presented with what is called the Dashboard – an overview of SecurityGateway’s alerts, users and statistics.

Server Status– this section contains:

  1. The state of the SMTP service, with a link to either stop or start it, depending on the current state
  2. Any administrative alerts that need your attention such as the number of days left in a trial
  3. A link to manage product registration and activation
  4. The total number of domains and users, with a link to the Domains and Users management section

Server statistics – These graphs will let you know with a quick glance that everything is ok with your SG installation. The graphs available span the last 24 hours, and present:

  1. Inbound vs. Outbound Messages – shows the total by hour of in and outbound messages that have passed through SecurityGateway
  2. Total Bandwidth Used By Email – shows the total by hour of bandwidth of messages that have passed through the server
  3. Good vs. Junk Messages – shows the total by hour of good mail vs. what the SecurityGateway believes to be ‘junk’ mail – viruses, spam, phishing, etc.
  4. Junk Email Breakdown – shows the different types of junk mail that have come in to your server by hour
  5. Top Email Recipients – breaks down the top 10 email recipients by total messages received in the last day
  6. Top Spam Sender Domain – breaks down the top 10 spam sending domains by total messages received in the last day.