Setting up or disabling an account with administrator access in SecurityGateway

From the Dashboard, after logging in with a Global Administator account:

  1. Click on Setup / Users
  2. Locate the Accounts section.
  3. Click on Domains and Users
  4. Click on the domain containing the user you wish to make an administrator under the Domains section
  5. Click Users
  6. Select the user and click on the Edit button.
  7. Check the box next to Account is an administrator, and then choose between Global or Domain Administrator
  8. If giving Domain Administrator permission, select the domains they will administer
  9. Click the right arrow to move those domains to the Selected Domains window


If the account is set as a Global Administrator, the Available and Selected Domains section will be greyed out, as Global Administrators can edit any domain in SecurityGateway’s settings.

The original address created during installation of the SecurityGateway server is automatically a global administrator.

Disabling administrative access is the same as above, except you uncheck the box next to Account is an administrator.