How to setup Microsoft Office 365 as a Domain Mail Server in SecurityGateway

Follow the steps below to add a Microsoft Office 365 server as a Domain Mail server in SecurityGateway.

  1. Log into SecurityGateway
  2. Select Setup/Users
  3. Select Mail Configuration
  4. Select Domain Mail Servers
  5. Click New
  6. In the Properties section, enter the Domain Mail Server description.
  7. For the host name, follow the example below.
    • If the Office 365 domain is use the following;
  8. Enter the port number for SMTP connections (default 25).
  9. Select Required SMTP Authentication if required and enter the Username and Password.
  10. In the Type section, click This server is a default mail server if true.
    • Any other defined domains in SecurityGateway that do not have a defined domain mail server will use this server to route mail.
  11. Use the Available/Selected Domains list to attach a defined domain to a domain mail server.
  12. Click Save and Close