There are multiple places where IP addresses can be whitelisted however accessing them is relatively straightforward as they’re stored in plain text files.
For the security features below the paths to the relevant files are…
Trusted IPs: \MDaemon\App\TrustedIPs.dat
PTR lookups: \MDaemon\App\ReverseXcpt.dat
HELO lookups: \MDaemon\App\HeloLookupWL.dat
MAIL command lookups: \MDaemon\App\MailLookupWL.dat
SMTP credential matching: \MDaemon\App\CredsMatchWhiteList.dat
SPF verification: \MDaemon\App\SPFXcpt.dat
DKIM verification: \MDaemon\App\DKVerifyXcpt.dat
DMARC verification: \MDaemon\App\DMARCWhiteList.dat
IP screening: \MDaemon\App\IPScreen.dat
Hijack detection: \MDaemon\App\HiJackWhiteList.dat
Spambot detection: \MDaemon\App\NoSpamBot.dat
Backscatter protection: \MDaemon\App\BATVXcpt.dat
Greylisting: \MDaemon\App\NoGreyList.dat
DNS-BL: \MDaemon\App\NoDNSBL.dat
The following security features all share the same whitelist and backlists:-
SMTP screening
Location screening
Dynamic Screening
These are:-