A mailing list is a list of email addresses which can be emailed via a single email address (typically listname@company.mail).
They are a useful way of sending a mailshot to a number of email addresses without having to resort to bcc’ing the message.
To create a mailing list you should open the MDaemon UI and choose Setup -> Mailing List Manager -> New List:

You will need to give the list an email address. This should be a unique email address on your domain as you cannot use an existing alias or account.
If you don’t want people who aren’t members of the list to post to it then you should leave this Refuse messages from non list members tick box enabled:

The Members tab is used to add list members and assign them appropriate permissions. In the example below bob@company.test can post to the list. Fred@company.test and john@externaldomain.com are also read only list members, so can only receive emails sent to the list. They cannot post to it.

Adding a list member with a type of digest means that that user will receive a single email (typically once a day) containing all the messages sent to that list that day.
On the Routing tab you can specify how the messages that are sent to the list are distributed:

Deliver list mail to each member individually will tell MDaemon to produce single emails for each list member itself.
Deliver list mail using individual RCPT commands for each member will tell MDaemon to send the list message out to another mail server (usually your ISP) and have that mail server process the list and distribute it to the lists email addresses.
On the Notifications tab you should specify a list bounce address. This is the email address that will receive any non-delivery email reports that are created when MDaemon tries to send the list email to the list members. It should not be the list email address: