Can I stop Webmail from blocking images in emails?

By default Webmail will block the automatic download of remote images when viewing HTML email messages.

In order to view the images, the user must click the bar that appears above the message in the browser window. This is a spam prevention feature, because many spam messages contain images with special URLs that identify the email address of the user who viewed the images, thus confirming to the spammer that it is a valid, working address. This option is enabled by default.

To force Webmail to download the images without user interaction open MDaemon and untick Block HTML Images in Setup -> Web & IM Services -> Webmail -> Settings.

This change will apply globally, but it is instead possible to apply this per user if required by taking the steps below:

1. Open the users \MDaemon\Users\\username\WC\User.ini file in Notepad.

2. In the [user] section add the following (check first that the BlockHtmlImages= value doesn’t already exist) then save the change:


3. The user will need to logout of Webmail and login again for the change to take effect.