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Using a PowerShell script to configure user permissions

< 1 min read

You may wish to configure user permissions in MailStore on multiple users at the same time.

For example: if you have 30 MailStore users that all need access to different users MailArchives, you would have to configure this manually through the MailStore Client UI one by one.

To help speed up this process you can use the below PowerShell script to batch this operation by creating a pre-formatted CSV file with a list of users and the folders each user needs access to.


  1. Ensure that the MailStore Administration API (HTTPS) Service is enabled in the Network Settings section of the Configure the MailStore Server Service configuration tool (there is a shortcut to this tool on the desktop of the MailStore Server).
  2. Download the zip file below and extract it onto the MailStore Server into a folder called C:\zen.
  3. Edit the users.csv file to reflect the permissions needed.
  4. Before running the PowerShell script, you must edit it and change the $adminpasswd to match the password you use for the default admin account in MailStore.
  5. Open PowerShell, change folder into C:\zen and run set folder privileges for a user.ps1