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Moving an archive store to a network share

1 min read

1. Stop the MailStore Server service on the current machine through the MailStore Server Service Configuration or the Windows Service Control Panel or by executing the command net stop “MailStore Server” from an elevated command prompt.

2. Create a manual backup of your MailStore Server archive.

3. Create a new share on the NAS-system you want to store the archive store on.

4. Grant the MailStore Server machine account or a user read/write permissions on that newly created share.

5. If you granted the permissions to a user object, create an appropriate start-up script via the MailStore Server Service Configuration tool under Startup Scripts in the following format:

net use \\nas01\MailArchive /user:mailstoreserver SecretPassw0rd

In this example the MailStore archives are stored on a share called \\nas01\MailArchive and are accessed by a Windows user called mailstoreserver using a password called SecretPass0rd

6. Move all files from the original archive folder to the network share. We recommend that the MailStore Master database (MailStoreMaster.fdb) remains at its original location as this database file is constantly in use and it ensures any network problems between the MailStore server and the NAS don’t result in database locking or corruption issues.

7. Start the MailStore Server service again, MailStore Server Service Configuration or the Windows Service Control Panel or by executing the command net stop “MailStore Server” from an elevated command prompt.